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breville duo temp pro

breville duo temp pro breville duo temp pro The DuoTemp Pro comes with both a pressurized and nonpressurized portafilters allowing.The Breville DuoTemp Pro BES810BSS espresso machine is designed for stability and control throughout the entire steaming and brewing processes. For starters .A great tasting espresso or cappuccino is about the right balance of sweetness, acidity and bitterness. The DuoTemp™ Pro provides you with third wave .Breville DuoTemp Pro Espresso Maker allows you to consistently make aromatic and flavorful espresso courtesy of low pressure preinfusion. Uses finely ground coffee. Preinfusion applies low water pressure at the start of the extraction to gently expand grinds for even extraction..Breville Duo Temp Pro (BES810BSS) Espresso Machine Stainless Steel Brand new $13.99 Make an offer: brand new Auction: preowned $152.50*..the DuoTemp Pro Espresso Machine by Breville, BES810BSSUSC Balanced flavors start with an even extraction using low pressure preinfusion...